The movie Hotel Transylvania is a family movie that's funny for all ages. It's cartoon but has humor that even adults laugh at. It's about a girl named Mavis and her father, Dracula. The movie takes place in a hotel in Transylvania that's full of monsters. It sort of acts as a safe haven for the monsters to be protected from humans. Mavis is turning 118 (as a vampire, that's equivalent to about 18 years for humans!) and wants freedom from her father. That's something that he isn't ready to give and he wants to prove his point. When an unexpected human shows up in the hotel, Dracula sees his opportunity  Little does he know that his daughter will soon fall in love with him...

I'd give Hotel Transylvania 7.5 starts out of 10. It's rated PG and about 90 minutes long. Enjoy! 

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    Ever wonder what movie to go see? Well I'm better than the critics, I've got the real deal!